Seven University

How To Apply

Our admissions process focuses on who you are, how you think, and what you have achieved. Our sole goal is to determine whether a student will thrive in our academically and experientially challenging program and contribute to our bold mission.

Applying to Seven
international University

What We Look For

In order to qualify to attend SIU you need to be an individual who possesses a unique set of qualities that will see you excelling here and in life beyond university.

A possession of these qualities is the true marker for a successful Seven University applicant and shows us more than any standardized test score can.

If you choose to apply, prepare yourself to contribute to the SIU community and society as a whole while developing the skills to address complex problems, improve the human condition, and put what you learn in class into practice with projects, internships, and more.

A broad interest in a variety of subjects
Curiosity about the world and its people
The continuous drive to excel
The ability to collaborate

Admission Requirements

Candidates must have passed at least Four (4) subjects at the GCE Ordinary Level or Probatoire and in addition at least Two (2) subjects at the GCE Advanced Level. 
Passed in Baccalaureate (General or Technical). 
Any other Certificate considered by MINESUP Decision spelling out the admission requirements into University.

Things To Know First

Aside from looking for students who demonstrate academic excellence, our admissions team takes who you are as a person into account when considering your application. Your passions, individual achievements, personal attributes, and accomplishments outside of school all matter to us.


We rely on electronic communications for a number of our admissions-related processes.

The Application Process


Complete Application Form

SIU application form will collect your general information, academic information, program-specific information, essays, and any additional information.


Initial Review and Acknowledgement

You'll receive an email confirmation acknowledging that your application has been received. This email will also include information on timelines for the next steps.


Application Review

Our admissions officers will review your application materials, including your transcript, essays, letters of recommendation, and any additional portfolio items you submitted.


Possible Interview

SIU invites shortlisted candidates for interviews. This could be an in-person interview or a video interview. The interview allows us to assess your personality, soft skills, and further evaluate your fit for the program.


Decision Notification

After a thorough review, SIU will send you an official decision notification via email. This could be an acceptance, rejection, waitlist placement, or a request for additional information.


Next Steps for Accepted Students

If accepted, you'll receive information on next steps, including housing options, financial aid details, registration procedures, and deadlines for accepting the offer.


Waitlist and Rejected Applicants

Waitlisted applicants might be offered admission if spots open up in the program. Rejected applicants can consider requesting feedback on their application to improve for future applications.

The path you want to go for your future career is decided here

We don’t rely solely on a single metric. We look for a well-rounded applicant who demonstrates academic ability, technical aptitude, strong soft skills, and a genuine passion for the tech field.

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